Two Stories About Flying Part-I His First Flight Extract Based MCQ questions | Subjective | Objective| True / False  Class 10 First Flight

By | February 28, 2024
Two Stories About Flying Part-I His First Flight Extract Based MCQ questions

That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish.

Question: Reflecting on the seagull’s family teaching his siblings to fly, how might this have impacted his feelings of isolation?
Answer: The young bird saw his family teach his brothers and sisters to fly. This made him feel left out. He was more scared because he couldn’t fly. He felt very alone. He wanted to learn how to fly a lot.

Question: State True or False. None of the terms (a)-(d) can be directly applied to the young seagull’s experience of being alone while his family taught his siblings to fly:

(a) Envy – a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck
(b) Empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
(c) Solitude – the state or situation of being alone
(d) Anticipation – the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction

Answer: False. While (a) Envy might not directly apply but it applies indirectly, (c) Solitude is a fitting term for the young seagull’s situation of being left alone on the ledge.

Question: The young seagull’s experience suggests he could be a good _____. 
Answer: observer

Question: How might the young seagull feel watching his family from afar?
Answer: Possibly lonely and envious.