Grammatical Terms are difficult to understand but we are giving such usage grammar that will clarify many of your doubts like grammer or grammar because this is a complete grammar list of items.
Glossary of Grammatical Terms
1. Qualifier. A structure-class word that qualifies or intensifies an adjective or adverb: “We worked rather slowly”; “The work was very difficult.”
1.Reciprocal pronoun. The pronouns each other and one another, which refer to previously named nouns.
2. Referent. The thing (or person, event, concept, action, etc.)—in other words, the reality—that a word stands for.
3. Reflexive pronoun. A pronoun formed by adding –self or -selves to a form of the personal pronoun, used as an object in the sentence to refer to a previously named noun or pronoun: “I gave myself a haircut.”
4. Reflexive pronoun. A characteristic feature of the pronunciation or structure of the language spoken in a particular region of the country.
5. Regular verb. A verb in which the -ed form (the past tense) and the -en form (the past participle) are formed by adding -ed (or, in some cases, -d or -t) to the base. These two forms of a regular verb are always identical. “I walked home”; “I have walked home every day this week.”
6. Relative adverb. The adverbs where, when, and why, which introduce adjectival
7. Relative clause. A clause introduced by a relative pronoun (who, which, that) or a relative adverb (when, where, why) that generally modifies a noun. The broad-reference which clause functions as a sentence
8. Relative pronoun. The pronouns who (whom, whose), which, and that in their role as introducers of a relative
9. Restrictive modifier. A modifier in the noun phrase whose function is to restrict the meaning of the A modifier is restrictive when it is needed to identify the referent of the headword. The restrictive modifier is not set off by commas.
10. Retained object. The direct object of a Pattern VIII sentence that is retained in its original position when the sentence is transformed into the passive voice: “The judges awarded Mary the prize” “Mary was awarded the prize.”
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