Grammatical Terms Starting with K , L & M

By | December 12, 2019
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Grammatical Terms are difficult to understand but we are giving such usage grammar that will clarify many of your doubts like grammer or grammar because this is a complete grammar list of items.

Glossary of Grammatical Terms


1.Known–a new A common feature of prose in which the known information opens the sentence and the new information occupies the point of the main focus at or near the end of the sentence.

2. Known–a new A common feature of prose in which the known information opens the sentence and the new information occupies the point of the main focus at or near the end of the sentence.


1.Linking verb. The verbs of Patterns IV and V, which require a subject complement to be complete.


1.Main verb. The verb that fills the last slot in the verb-expansion formula. See also Predicating verb.

2. Manner adverb. An adverb that answers the question of “how or “in what manner” about the verb. Most manner adverbs are derived from adjectives with the addition of -ly: quickly, merrily, candidly.

3. Mass noun. See Non-countable noun.

4. Met discourse. Any words that are included in a message beyond the subject of the message itself: such connectors as for example, finally; in the first place; attitude markers, such as emphatic words (clearly, certainly), hedges (possibly, perhaps), and other comments of the author directed to the reader.

5. Metaphor. A figure of speech in which an attribute is applied to something or someone that is literally untrue but that expresses a sense of connection. When we call Superman a man of steel, we are using the term “steel” metaphorically, to attribute the qualities of steel to Superman. Many common expressions are based on a metaphor: the eye of the hurricane, a carpet of grass, a movie that bombed

6. Modal auxiliary. The auxiliary that occupies the opening slot in the verb-expansion rule and may affect what is known as the mood of the verb, conveying probability, possibility, obligation, and the like.

7. Mood.  Quality of the verb denoting fact (indicative), a condition contrary to fact (subjunctive), and probability or possibility (conditional).

8. Morpheme.  A sound or combination of sounds with meaning.

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