Gap Filling Exercise No-34,35&36 (Unsolved)

By | July 7, 2021
Gap Filling Exercise No- 10,11&12 (Solved)


Read the following paragraphs and fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb given in the brackets.

The traveller  ………….. (reach) the inn after the night  ………….. (fall) . The inn-keeper………….. (sleep). The traveller………….. (knock) again and again. The night…………..  (grow) colder but the poor man………….. (fail) to move the sleeping master who ………….. (take) sleeping pills. The travellers saw a big round stone and  ………….. (pass) his night moving the stone here and there to get heat. When I ………….. (reach) Madhu’s house, she   ………….. (leave) already. She…………..   (take) away all her books, which she …………..  (buy) recently. Though I …………..  (reach) there at the appointed time, yet she…………..   (leave). I though that we would study together. as we  decide earlier. Thus I………….. (come) back to my house disappointed.


Read the following paragraphs and fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb given in the brackets.

Yesterday I…………..   (try) to take notes while the teacher …………..(explain) a topic in the class. Since she …………..(not speak) loudly, it ……………   (be) difficult to hear. especially as some of the students behind me …………..  (talk) and   ………….. (laugh) most of the time I …………..  (feel) disturbed and …………..  (decide) to sit In the first row.


Read the following paragraphs and fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb given in the brackets.

 The roof of the hall of a school building…………..   (fall down) in heavy rains yesterday night. Five persons…………..   (die) on the spot. The school building  ………….. (be) wider construction. According to the neighbours about fifteen persons …………..  (sleep) in a hall of semi-constructed building. Most of the victims who  ………….. (be) the family members of the workers ………….. (come) from nearby villages. Hearing the cries the neighbours …………..  (reach) there for help. The injured   (admit) in the hospital.

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