English MCQ The Sermon at Benares Objective quiz Class 10 Part – 2

By | July 16, 2023
The Sermon at Benares

The Sermon at Benares

By Betty Crenshaw


1.‘The Sermon At Benares’ is the story of an unfortunate woman Kisa Gotami penned down by _______.

(A)Betty Renstaw’s

(B)Emily Dickinson

(C)Robert Frost

(D)None of the above

2. A philosophical fellow even in his childhood, _________ was born in 563 B.C.

(A)Alexander the great

(B)Gautama Buddha

(C)Ashok the great

(D)Akbar the great

3. (With reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’) Gautama Buddha was sent for schooling at the age of?





4. (With reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’) Buddha was married at the age of?





5. Gautama Buddha had a son when he was ______ years old (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’).

(A)thirty-five years old

(B)twenty-five years old

(C)forty-five years old

(D)eighteen years old

6. What did Gautama Buddha see one day, when he went hunting (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)A sick man

(B)An aged man

(C)A dead man’s funeral procession & a monk

(D)All of the above

7. What did Gautama Buddha realise (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)Life is not worth living

(B)World is a home of sufferings

(C)World is full of sufferings

(D)None of the above

8. Gautama Buddha left home __________ (with reference to chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’).

(A)in search of wisdom

(B)in search of peace

(C)in search of equality

(D)in search of worldly treasures

9. How long did Gautama Buddha wander in before getting enlightenment (with reference to chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)17 years

(B)7 years

(C)18 years

(D)27 years

10. ‘The Sermon at Benares’ is the story of an unfortunate woman _______.

(A)Kisa Gotami

(B)Kosa Gotami

(C)Gotami Keesa

(D)None of the above


1.Betty Renstaw’s
2. (B) Gautama Buddha
3. (D) 12
4. (A) 16
5. (B) twenty-five years old
6. (D) All of the above
7. (B) World is full of sufferings
8. (A) in search of wisdom
9. (B) 7 years
10. (A) Kisa Gotami

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Want to Read More Check Below:-

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The Sermon at Benares- About the Author & Introduction

The Sermon at Benares- Theme of the Story

The Sermon at Benares- Short & Detailed Summary

The Sermon at Benares- Value Points

The Sermon at Benares- Summary in Hindi – Full Text

The Sermon at Benares- Passages for Comprehension

The Sermon at Benares- Main Characters of the Story

The Sermon at Benares- Extract Based comprehension test Questions

The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type

The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type

The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type