The Beggar Class 9 MCQ | Board Material

By | February 23, 2023
The Beggar Class 9 MCQ

The Beggar Class 9 MCQ are created by experts. Go through and gain confidence. We at edumantra highly appreciate your feedback regarding Class 9 English The Beggar MCQ.

The Beggar Class 9 MCQ

1.“KIND sir, have pity; turn your attention to a poor, hungry man!- Who said this?




(d)The beggar

2.For how many days the beggar didn’t have anything to eat in the story ‘The Beggar’?





3.As claimed by the beggar, for how many years did he serve as a village school teacher?





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4.What is the meaning of ‘calumny’ in the story ‘The Beggar’?


(b)False accusation to turn down the reputation



5.What kind of eyes the beggar had in the story ‘The Beggar’?




(d)Both (a) and (b)

6.“I have now had an offer of a position in the province of Kaluga,”- Who had an offer?





7.“….and he suddenly remembered something.”- Who remembered?





8.Where did Sergei meet the beggar the day before yesterday in the story ‘The Accidental Tourist’?

(a)In Kaluga

(b)Near the mayor’s office

(c)In Sadovya street

(d)Near the playground of the school

9.Why couldn’t the beggar take up the offer of Kaluga in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)He had no money to eat

(b)He had no money to buy a stick

(c)He didn’t have money to respond to the letter

(d)He didn’t have money for transport

10.“Sergei flushed and turned from the ragged creature with an expression of disgust.”- Who is the ragged creature?

(a)His pet

(b)The cook

(c)The street boy

(d)The beggar

11.In the story ‘The Beggar’, once, in addition to twenty to forty copecks, the beggar also received


(b)A pair of socks due to cold

(c)A pair of old gloves

(d)A pair of old trousers

12.Who was hired to help Sergei in the packing and hauling of the furniture in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)The beggar



(d)Sergei’s friend

13.“This time the waif was sober, gloomy, and silent.”- Here ‘this’ time indicates?

(a)The harsh winter

(b)The time when the waif was a schoolteacher

(c)When Sergei was moving to another house

(d)The time when he was a part of Russian choir

14.Who hardly touched the furniture and walked behind the wagons hanging his head in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)The beggar




15.Who jeered at the beggar for his idleness, his feebleness, and his tattered, fancy overcoat?




(d)The carters

16.“Well, I am happy that my words have taken effect,”- Who said this?




(d)None of the above

17.What was the name of the beggar in the story ‘The Beggar’?





18.“I can now offer you some other, cleaner employment…”- Who said this?


(b)The village school principal

(c)The Mayor


19.Who tapped Lushkoff kindly on the shoulder in the story ‘The Beggar’?



(c)The beggar


20.What profession Lushkoff was found to be in after 2 years in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)School teacher




21.Who became lost in thoughts with his red cheeks resting on his fists in the story ‘The Beggar’?



(c)The beggar

(d)The author

22.Who appeared to scold the beggar upon reaching the woodshed in the story ‘The Beggar’?



(c)The author

(d)The wood cutter

23.What is the meaning of ‘mendicant’ in the story ‘The Beggar’?




(d)Railway official

24.Who irresolutely pulled a billet of wood towards him, set it up between his feet in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)The mendicant



(d)Wood cutter

25.Who felt sorry and shamed for sending a drunk and weak man to work in the cold weather in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)The Beggar




26. After how many hours Olga informed Sergei that all the wood had been chopped in the story ‘The Beggar’?




(d)4 hours

27.Who informed Sergei that all the woods had been chopped in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)The beggar

(b)The author


(d)The woodcutter

28.How much did Sergei ask Olga to pay the beggar?

(a)10 bucks

(b)Half a rouble

(c)1 rouble

(d)Half a sapphire

29.When did Sergei want the beggar to come again?

(a)First day of every month

(b)First day of every alternate month

(c)First day of every quarter

(d)He never wanted to see the beggar again

30.What is the meaning of ‘waif’ in the story ‘The Beggar’?



(c)Homeless person

(d)An orphan

31.What was weird about the beggar’s shoes as observed by Sergei?

(a)Torn and tilted

(b)One was missing

(c)One looked old and the other new

(d)One was higher than the other

32.Who said that he will call the police in the story ‘The Beggar’?





33.What did the beggar confess once Sergei said that he would call the police?

(a)He was a school student who got expelled

(b)He used to be a part of Russian choir

(c)He used to be a schoolteacher

(d)He used to be a cook

34.Why was the beggar expelled from the Russian choir?

(a)He stole things

(b)Because of his violence

(c)For drunkenness

(d)For being ugly

35.“How would you like to chop wood for me?”- Who said this?




(d)The author

36.Whom did Sergei ask to take the beggar to the woodshed?

(a)His cook

(b)His maid

(c)His gardener

(d)His wife

37.According to the author the beggar has lost his physical strength because

(a)Of chronic disease

(b)Of drinking vodka

(c)Of no food

(d)Of constant physical abuse

38.“……and did not feel the slightest inclination for toil.”- What does this mean?

(a)Sergei wasn’t interested to employ the beggar

(b)The beggar didn’t have the slightest will to talk to Olga

(c)The beggar didn’t have the slightest will to do any hard work

(d)The beggar didn’t have any mood to eat

39.“……..and make their way across the dirty snow to the shed.”- Who made their way?

(a)Sergei and beggar

(b)Sergei and Olga

(c)Olga and the author

(d)Olga and the beggar

40.At whom did Olga glare wrathfully in the story ‘The Beggar’?


(b)The stranger


(d)The author

41.How much Lushkoff used to earn per month as a notary in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)40 roubles

(b)35 roubles

(c)30 roubles

(d)25 roubles

42.“Thank Heaven! That’s fine!..”- Who said this?





43.Whom did Sergei consider to be his godson in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)Olga’s brother



(d)Noe of the above

44.“…God bless that good and noble woman!…” Who is the ‘noblewoman’ here?



(c)Sergei’s wife

(d)None of the above

45.Who chopped all the woods at the woodshed in the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)The beggar




46.What is the meaning of ‘sot’ in the story ‘The Beggar’?



(c)A habitual drunkard


47.“…She did it all..”- Here ‘all’ indicates


(b)Cleaning leaves

(c)Chopping woods

(d)Growing plants

48.Who is the author of the story ‘The Beggar’?

(a)Anton Chekhov

(b)Anton Paul

(c)Anton Golmes

(d)Anton Wood

49.What did Lushkoff do before departing to the gallery in the story ‘The Beggar’?





50.According to Lushkoff, whose noble deeds and words changed his heart in the story ‘The Beggar’?


(b)The beggar




1. (d)The beggar
2. (b)3
3. (a)8
4. (b)False accusation to turn down the reputation
5. (d)Both (a) and (b)
6. (b)Beggar
7. (a)Sergei
8. (c)In Sadovya street
9. (d)He didn’t have money for transport
10. (d)The beggar
11. (d)A pair of old trousers
12. (a)The beggar
13. (c)When Sergei was moving to another house
14. (a)The beggar
15. (d)The carters
16. (c)Sergei
17. (b)Lushkoff
18. (d)Sergei
19. (b)Sergei
20. (d)Notary
21. (c)The beggar
22. (a)Olga
23. (a)Beggar
24. (a)The mendicant
25. (b)Sergei
26. (a)1hour
27. (c)Olga
28. (b)Half a rouble
29. (a)First day of every month
30. (c)Homeless person
31. (d)One was higher than the other
32. (a)Sergei
33. (b)He used to be a part of a Russian choir
34. (c)For drunkenness
35. (a)Sergei
36. (a)His cook
37. (b)Of drinking vodka
38. (c)The beggar didn’t have the slightest will to do any hard work
39. (d)Olga and the beggar
40. (c)Lushkoff
41. (b)35 roubles
42. (b)Sergei
43. (c)Lushkoff
44. (a)Olga
45. (c)Olga
46. (c)A habitual drunkard
47. (c)Chopping woods
48. (a)Anton Chekhov
49. (d)Bow
50. (c)Olga

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