[quiz-cat id=”70138″]
For Anne Gregory
By– William Butler Yeats
1.Why does every man love Anne as in the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(A)For her beautiful hair
(B)For her mesmerising smile
(C)For her magnetic personality
(D)All of the above
2. How do Anne’s hair look like when fallen on her ears, as in the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(A)Like waterfall
(B)Like ramparts surrounding a castle
(C)Like dusky cloudy sky
(D)None of the above
3. What does the poet feel about Anne in the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(A)No one will love her for who she is
(B)Everyone will fall for her nature
(C)No one can love her like him
(D)All of the above
4. What does no one care for about Anne as in the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(A)No one cares for her inner beauty
(B)No one cares for her noble soul
(C)No one cares for her beauty
(D)Both (A) & (B)
5. What are the only causes of attraction in Anne as per the poet of the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(A)Her outward appearance
(B)Her yellow coloured hair
(C)Her pretty eyes
(D)Both (A) & (B)
6. Does Anne approve of the poet’s love for her in the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(C)May be
(D)May be not
7. What kind of a lover does Anne of the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’ wish for herself?
(A)Someone who loves her internally and not physically
(B)Someone who is tall, dark & handsome
(C)Someone who is filthy rich
(D)All of the above
8. What is Anne’s opinion about her hair in the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(A)Her yellow colour hair are temporary
(B)She may change the colour anytime
(C)She may dye them black or brown
(D)All of the above
9. Which love is true love as per the poet of the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(A)selfless love
(B)paternal love
(C)sibling love
(D)self centered love
10. What colour can Anne dye her hair in the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’?
(D)all of the above
1. (A) For her beautiful hair |
2. (B) Like ramparts surrounding a castle |
3. (A) No one will love her for who she is |
4. (D) Both (A) & (B) |
5. (D) Both (A) & (B) |
6. (B) No |
7. (A) Someone who loves her internally and not physically |
8. (D) All of the above |
9. (A) Selfless love |
10. (D) all of the above |
English MCQ For Anne Gregory Objective quiz Class 10 Part – 1
English MCQ For Anne Gregory Objective quiz Class 10 Part – 2
English MCQ For Anne Gregory Objective quiz Class 10 Part – 4
English MCQ For Anne Gregory Objective quiz Class 10 Part – 5
Want to Read More Check Below:-
For Anne Gregory- About the Author & Introduction
For Anne Gregory- Central Idea of the Poem
For Anne Gregory- Short & Detailed Summary
For Anne Gregory- Value Points of the Poem
For Anne Gregory- Summary in Hindi – Full Text
For Anne Gregory- Extract Based comprehension test Questions
For Anne Gregory- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type
For Anne Gregory- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type
For Anne Gregory- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type