Direct and Indirect Speech Narration Exercise-5&6

By | December 13, 2019

Following are the English grammar exercises of direct and indirect speech in paragraph form with answers. They are also known by many names like reported speech exercises, indirect speech narrative exercises, simple past tense exercises,  mixed tenses exercises, convert dialogue into reported speech, past perfect simple exercises, narrative tenses story, reported speech dialogue exercises, change the sentences into indirect speech, present and past tenses mixed exercises, reported speech in dialogue form. These exercises also include direct object examples,  verbs with two objects, subject of sentence examples, narrative in a sentence, object pronouns English, These are reported speech mixed exercises. These files can be downloaded and used as reported speech ESL worksheet in pdf.


Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows :

Employer : Why did you leave your previous job ?

Applicant: They didn’t meet my requirement.

Employer: What salary do you expect here ?

Applicant:I am expecting Rs. 10,000 per month.

Employer: We can pay you just Rs. 8000 per month.

An applicant went for an interview in an office.

The employer asked him (1.1)  ………………………………..

The applicant replied that (1.2)   ………………………………

The employer further enquired (1.3) ……………………………..

The applicant told him (1.4) ………………………………….

The employer concluded by saying that they could pay him just Rs. 8,000 per month.

Answer 5. 1.1  why he had left his previous job

1.2  they had not met his requirement

1.3  what salary he expected there

1.4  that he was expecting Rs 10,000 per month

Download the above Direct Indirect Speech Narration Exercise in PDF (Printable)


 Read the following conversation and fill in the blanks to complete the passage given below.

Deniel : Harriet what are you doing at this hour in your farm ?

Harriet : I have applied for the Nobel Prize.

 Deniel : What has this to do with the prize ?

Harriet : The Nobel Prize is awarded to somebody outstanding in his field.

Harriet was seen standing in the middle of her acre of land under the scorching heat of the sun at mid-day. His friend Deniel asked her (2.1)………………..  Harriet replied that (2.2)……………… Deniel, not being satisfied wanted to know (2.3)………………  Harriet made it clear to her friend Deniel and explained (2.4) …………………. to somebody outstanding in his field.

Answer  2.1  what he was doing at that hour in his farm

2.2  he had applied for the Nobel Prize.

2.3  what that had to do with the prize

2.4  that the Nobel Prize was awarded

Download the above Direct Indirect Speech Narration Exercise in PDF (Printable)