Deep Water MCQ | Very Important

By | February 17, 2023
Deep Water MCQ

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Deep Water MCQ

                                           By-William Douglas

1. The misadventure at the Y.M.C.A pool happened when

 (a) Douglas was accompanied by friends                       

(b) he was with his father

(c) he was alone                                                                    

(d) he was with his mother

2. The boy who threw Douglas into the pool was about

(a) twenty years old                                                            (b) eighteen years old

(c) twenty-one years old                                                    (d) fifteen years old

3. Douglas calls him a

 (a) nasty human being                                                      (b) a brute

 (c) a beautiful physical specimen                                   (d) a big bully

4. He tossed Douglas into the pool towards its

 (a) shallow end                     (b) middle                           (c) edge                           (d) deep end

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5. Though Douglas was frightened, he was not

 (a) afraid to die                                                        (b) going to survive

 (c) out of his wits                                                     (d) able to shout for help

6. When his feet would hit the bottom Douglas planned to

 (a) make a big jump                                                          (b) lie down

(c) start his strokes                                                            (d) float

7. The nine feet seemed to Douglas like

(a) hundred feet                 (b) ninety feet                      (c) fifty feet                     (d) twenty-five feet

8. Douglas imagined that on hitting the bottom, he would

(a) bob to the surface like a cork

(b) would come up to Tab his water wings

 (c) would lie flat and float up

(d) shout for help

9. When Douglas tried to yell

 (a) everyone came to his rescue

(b) no sound came out

 (c) his father arrived

(d) the lifeguard dived to save him up, they hung as

10. As Douglas tried to bring his legs

(a) dead branches (b) dead weights

(c) dead sticks (d) dead bodies

11.William Douglas was a friend and adviser of

(a) President Kennedy                                         (b) President Cleveland

(c) President Roosevelt                                       (d) President Clinton the essay William Douglas talks about his fear of

 (a) fire                                                             (b) lizards                                   

(c) snake                                                           (d) water

13.The writer decided to learn to swim when he was about

(a) ten or eleven years old                                  (b) fifteen or sixteen years old

(c) twenty years old                                              (d) eighteen years old

14. He decided to learn swimming in the pool at

 (a) the local club                                            (b) his school                             

(c) Y.M.C.A                                                       (d) Country Club

15. His mother warned him against swimming in the Yakima River because it had

(a) strong currents                                                (b) it was meant only for boating

 (c) many people had drowned there               (d) it had no lifeguards around

16. At the shallow end, the Y.M.C.A pool was

 (a) I foot deep                                                                        (b) four feet deep

 (c) two or three feet deep                                                   (d) five feet deep

17. The pool’s depth at the deep end was

 (a) twenty feet                   (b) nine feet                              (c) six feet                          (d) eight feet

18. The author hated to walk naked to the pool as he had

 (a) skinny arms                 (b) bony chest                           (c) skinny legs                    (d) hairy legs

19. The incident in childhood had taken place at the beach in

(a) Florida                          (b) Washington                         

(c) New York                      (d) California

This content has been designed by the experts keeping in mind the exam score.  Go through Deep Water MCQ and add highest value to your studies.

20. The introduction to the Y.M.C.A swimming pool revived for Douglas

(a) childhood fear of water                                                

(b) memories of a holiday at the beach

(c) memories of father and son companionship            

(d) a terrible accident

21. The water in the pool had a

(a) dirty yellow tinge (b) a blue reflection

 (c) green colour  (d) no colour

22. Douglas was seized by

 (a) the lifeguard (b) stark terror

(c) his friend (d) the boy who had thrown him

23. Douglas went down towards the bottom

 (a) only once (b) twice

(c) thrice (d) five times

24. After the third unsuccessful attempt to spring up, Douglas thought that he was

 (a) floating in space (b) floating in the River Yakima

 (c) floating in the air (d) floating in a rubber-tube

25. When he regained consciousness, he

(a) laughed at his experience (b) had 104° F fever

(c) shook and cried and didn’t eat anything (d) told his mother about his misadventure

26. Every time Douglas attempted to go inside water, his legs would

 (a) be shaky (b) make him run

(c) help him keep afloat (d) be paralyzed

27. After being haunted by fear for many years Douglas decided to learn to swim. He took the help of

(a) his mother (b) his father

(c) a friend  (d) an instructor

28. A rope was attached to

 (a) Douglas’ legs (b) Douglas’ arms

(c) Douglas’ belt  (d) Douglas’ swimming trunks

29. He practised in the pool

 (a) ten times a week (b) five days a week

(c) twice a week (d) thrice a week

30. Douglas’ tension started slackening after

 (a) four months (b) three months

 (c) five months  (d) one month

31.What would happen to the author in a river, as in the chapter ‘Deepwater’?

(A) His legs would become paralyzed

(B) He would faint

(C) He would enjoy

(D) He would become hysterical

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32. When would icy horror grab the author’s heart, as in the chapter ‘Deep water’?

(A) When in a river

(B) While driving

(C) While diving

(D) None of the above

33. What did hydrophobia deprive the author of, as in the chapter ‘Deepwater’?

(A) deprived him of enjoying water

(B) sport-ruined his fishing trips

(C) deprived him of the joy of water sports

(D) All of the above

34. Which activities was Douglas deprived of due to hydrophobia, as in the chapter ‘Deepwater’?

(A) in canoes on Maine lakes fishing for landlocked salmons

(B) bass fishing in New Hampshire, trout fishing on the Deschutes and Metolius in Oregon

(C) fishing for salmon on the Columbia, at Bumping Lake in the Cascades-fear of water followed him

(D) All of the above

35. What did the author decide to do to conquer his fear, as in the chapter ‘Deep water’?

(A) He went scuba diving

(B) He engaged an instructor to learn swimming

(C) He went river rafting

(D) All of the above

36. What did the instructor do, as in the chapter ‘Deep water’?

(A) pushed him in the pool

(B) made him practice 5 days a week

(C) made him practice for an hour daily

(D) both (B) & (C)

37. How did the instructor train Douglas, as in the chapter ‘Deep water’?

(A) put a belt around him

(B) a rope attached to the belt went through a pulley that ran on an overhead cable

(C) instructor held on to the end of the rope, author went back & forth several times

(D) All of the above

38. How long did it take for the author to learn to swim, as in the chapter ‘Deepwater’?

(A) 3 months

(B) 6 months

(C) 8 months

(D) 2 months

39. How did the author finally learn to swim, as in the chapter ‘Deep water’?

(A) instructor taught him to put his face under water and exhale

(B) to raise his nose and inhale

(C) instructor made him kick with his legs

(D) All of the above

40. In the chapter ‘Deep water’,though the author had learnt to swim, _____.

(A) he still felt that the old fear would grip him again

(B) he was scared of deep water

(C) he was scared of a pool

(D)he was scared of Sharks

41. Douglas had to repeat exhaling and inhaling exercises

 (a) hundred times (b) forty times

 (c) fifty times (d) ten times

42. ‘Now you can swim’. These words were spoken by

(a) Douglas’ father (b) teacher in school

(c) uncle (d) instructor

43. Whenever terror struck again, Douglas would start

 (a) shouting (b) laughing

(c) crying (d) talking to terror

44. Douglas swam the lake to Stamp Act Island covering a distance of

(a) five miles (b) seven miles

(c) two miles (d) one mile

45. ‘What do you think you can do to me’? These words were spoken by Douglas to

 (a) a shark (b) to his enemy

(c) to the boy who pushed him (d) to terror

46. After swimming across to the other shore of Warm Lake, Douglas shouted with joy and his voice was returned as an echo by

 (a) Gilbert peak (b) Everest peak

(c) Alps (d) Blue Mountain

47. ‘All we have to fear is fear itself. Who said these words?

 (a) Douglas (b) his instructor

(c) his father (d) President Roosevelt

48. With his hard work, Douglas had

(a) conquered his fear of water (b) conquered Mount Everest

 (c) got a good job (d) got a promotion

49. At the end of the experience, Douglas felt

(a) happy (b) released

(c) sad (d) victorious

50. His fear of water

(a) ruined his trips (b) made him extremely guilty

(c) was not liked by friends (d) made him weak


1.(c) he was alone
2. (b) eighteen years old
3.(c) a beautiful physical specimen
4. (d) deep end
5. (c) out of his wits
6. (a) make a big jump
7.(b) ninety feet
8. (a) bob to the surface like a cork
9.(b) no sound came out
10. (b) dead weights
11.(c) President Roosevelt
12. (d) water
13.(a) ten or eleven years old
14. (c) Y.M.C.A
15.(c) many people had drowned there
16. (c) two or three feet deep
17.(b) nine feet
18. (c) skinny legs
19.(d) California
20. (a) childhood fear of water
21.(a) dirty yellow tinge
22. (b) stark, terror
23.(c) thrice
24. (a) was floating in space
25.(c) shook and cried and didn’t eat anything
26. (d) be paralyzed
27.(d) an instructor
28. (c) Douglas’ belt
29.(b) five days a week
30. (b) three months
31.(A) His legs would become paralyzed
32. (A) When a river
33. (D) All of the above
34. (D) All of the above
35. (B) He engaged an instructor to learn swimming
36. (D) both (B) & (C)
37. (D) All of the above
38. (A) 3 months
39. (D) All of the above
40. (A) he still felt that the old fear would grip him again
41.(a) hundred times
42. (d) instructor
43.(d) talking to terror
44. (c) two miles
45.(d) to terror
46. (a) Gilbert peak
47.(d) President Roosevelt
48. (a) conquered his fear of water
49.(b) released
50. (a) ruined his trips

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