57. Reading Skills Comprehension: Means of Communication

By | July 3, 2021
Means of Communication

Means of Communication

Read the following passages and answer the questions given at the end of each:

In many countries, only one language, the mother tongue, is enough to satisfy the need for expression of most of their inhibitions. In India, however, the position is more complicated. Here, an educated man is called upon to master more than one language. There is, first of all, the language that he learns on his mother’s lap, and through which he expresses his first needs and feelings. Naturally, it is in this that he gains the most proficiency. But since India is a very large country, we really need an extra language—a Lingua franca—as a means of communication with states other than our own. But even this is not enough. An Educated Indian requires the mastery of an international language, one that is widely understood and is used in dealings of one country with another. Ideally speaking then, the educated Indian should be able to read and write in three languages, and moreover, should be able to express himself in all three with ease and fluency.


(a) What practice generally many countries adopt regarding a language?

(b) What purpose does the language we use serve?

 (c) What is the position in India regarding the language?

(d) How many languages should educated Indian learn?

(e) Which word in the passage means ‘difficult’?

(f) Give a suitable title to the passage.

Answers :

(a) In many countries, only mother tongue is enough.

(b) Language serves the purpose of communication.

 (c) In India, one language is not sufficient.

(d) An educated Indian should learn at least three languages.

(e) Complicated.

(f) Need for an International Language.

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