English MCQ A Tiger in the Zoo Objective quiz Class 10

By | April 21, 2023

A Tiger in the Zoo

ByLeslie Norris


1. What does a tiger have on his body?

(A) spots                                                          (B) stripes

(C) stars                                                          (D) all of the above

2. How does a tiger feel in a cage?

(A) happy                                                        (B) contented

(C) free                                                           (D) angry

3. How are the pads of a tiger?

(A) velvet                                                        (B) rough

(C) hard                                                           (D) all of the above

4. What does the tiger hunt near the water hole?

(A) lions                                                           (B) elephants

(C) deer                                                           (D) all of the above

5. Where do the tigers hunt the deer?

(A) in the cage                                                (B) near the water hole

(C) near the cage                                            (D) all of the above.

6. Where should the tiger be snarling?

(A) at the jungle’s edge                                   (B) at the cage’s edge

(C) in the cage                                                (D) all of the above

7. A tiger Is happy when……………..

(A) he is in the cage                                        (B) he is near the cage

(C) he frightens the visitors                             (D) he is free in the forest

8. What is the tiger’s attitude towards visitors?

(A) loving                                                         (B) hating

(C) ignoring                                                     (D) threatening

9. What is patrolling at night?

(A) cars                                                            (B) tigers

(C) deer                                                           (D) all of the above

10. How are the eyes of the tiger?

(A) dull                                                             (B) brilliant

(C) sleepy                                                       (D) sad

11.Why is the tiger of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ lurking in the shadow?

(A) To catch his prey

(B) To attack the deer

(C) To scare away the crows

(D) Both (A) & (B)

12. ‘Stalking the length of his cage’ – this line is taken from________?

(A) A Tiger in the forest

(B) A Tiger in the cage

(C) A Tiger in the jungle

(D) A Tiger in the zoo

13. Which expression in the poem (A Tiger in the Zoo) tells you that the tiger wasn’t interested in the visitors?

(A) ignoring visitors

(B) Stalking the cage

(C)Gazing at the stars

(D) All of the above

14.As in the poem, ‘A Tiger in the zoo’, the eyes of the tiger look _________.

(A) dull & hazy

(B) sleepy

(C) tired

(D)bright & shining

15.Which family, does a tiger belong to?

(A) Mammals

(B) Cats

(C) Carnivores

(D) Omnivores

16.How does the tiger of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ walk in the cage?

(A) Scared

(B) Disappointed

(C) Slowly

(D) With pride

17.________ is a small pool of water where animals go-to drink.

(A) River

(B) Lake

(C) Sea

(D) Water hole

18.In the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’, who is forcefully put in a cage?

(A) Leslie Norris

(B) Tiger

(C) Cheetah

(D) Leopard

19.Where should the tiger be, as per your opinion?

(A) In the natural habitat

(B) In the artificial habitat

(C) In the cage

(D) Both (B) & (C)

20.What is ‘brilliant’ in the poem ‘Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) the tiger’s eyes                                          (B) the stars

(C) both (A) and (B)                                        (D) none of the above

21. Why does the tiger (in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo) go near the water hole?

(A) To drink water

(B) To take a bath

(C) To search his prey/victim

(D) None of the above

22. Who do you think is the tiger’s favorite prey, as per the poem (A Tiger in the Zoo)?

(A) A big buffalo

(B) A plump deer

(C) A wild elephant

(D) All of the above

23. How does the tiger terrorize the villagers, as per the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) By a loud roar

(B) By pouncing on them

(C) By chasing them

(D) By opening out his long sharp teeth & powerful claws

24. According to the poet, Leslie Norris, why has the tiger lost his strength?

(A) He has become weak & old

(B) He has been starving

(C) He is put behind bars

(D) All of the above

25. In the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’, the tiger ignores the visitors because _______.

(A) He does not find them interesting

(B) He hates to entertain them

(C) They do not offer him food

(D) None of the above

26. Why do you think the tiger of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ stares at the brilliant stars?

(A) Because they are shining freely in the sky

(B) Because he loves to gaze at them

(C) Because he loves their brightness

(D) Because they entertain him

27. Why do the cars patrol at night near the zoo, as mentioned in the poem ‘A Tiger in the zoo’?

(A) For safety reasons

(B) For supervision of the animals lodged in the zoo

(C) For safeguarding the animals lodged in the zoo

(D) Both (B) & (C)

28. Where do you think the tiger should be snarling?

(A) In the cage

(B) At the jungle’s edge

(C) At the visitors

(D) At the caretakers

29. What is the mood of the tiger in the poem ‘A Tiger in the zoo’?

(A) Happy

(B) Satisfied

(C) Sad

(D) Angry

30. In the poem, ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’, where is the tiger hiding?

(A) In the cage

(B) In a shadowy dark place

(C) In the long grass

(D) Both (B) & (C)

31. If sometimes a tiger strays into human habitation, what does he do?

(A) He displays his strength & ferociousness

(B) He becomes friendly with humans

(C) He hunts and kills people

(D) All of the above

32. When does a tiger harm anyone?

(A)When he is in a good mood

(B) When he is provoked

(C) When he feels ignored

(D) None of the above

33. Like human beings, the tiger too loves and values his ________.

(A) belongings

(B) family

(C) food

(D) freedom

34. How does a tiger show his anger, hatred, and defiance in the cage?

(A) by walking about in rage

(B) by not eating

(C) by roaring loudly

(D) All of the above

35. According to you, why is a tiger a proud creature?

(A) Because he is the national animal

(B) Because he is huge & powerful

(C) Because he is the king of the jungle

(D) None of the above

36. Human progress should not be at the cost of ____________.

(A) destroying the natural habitats of untamable animals

(B) destroying the natural habitats of proud animals like the tiger

(C) ruining natural habitats

(D) Both (A), (B) & (C)

37. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ is?

(A)abcb; abcb; abcb; abcb; abcb

(B) acbb; abbc; accb; aabb; acca

(C) abcc; accb; accb; abba; aacb

(D) None of the above

38. Which are the two different settings in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) Cage & jungle; natural wild habitat

(B) Home; natural habitat

(C) Sea side; wild life

(D) All of the above

39. How has the poet, Leslie Norris personified the tiger in the poem?

(A) By giving it a unique name

(B) By using ‘he’ and not ‘it’

(C) By calling it tiger and not animal

(D)None of the above

40. ‘On pads of velvet quiet,’ – what is the metaphor in this line of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) Pads

(B) Quiet

(C) Velvet

(D)Pads of velvet

41.’A Tiger in the Zoo’ is a part of _________ ‘s short biography.

(A) R. S. Thomas

(B) Dylan Thomas

(C) Christopher Meredith

(D) Leslie Norris

42. The poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ emphasizes on?

(A) Importance of Tigers

(B) Importance of freedom

(C) Importance of cages

(D)All of the above

43. What are the two contrasting ideas in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) Life in jungle VS life in captivity

(B) Life in Zoo VS life in natural habitat

(C) Tamed Tiger VS Wild Tiger

(D) Both (A) & (B)

44. The national animal in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ is _________.

(A) Peacock

(B) Tiger

(C) Leopard

(D) Cheetah

45. The poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ completes a full circle. What is the circle?

(A) From home to zoo and back to home

(B) From zoo to home and back to zoo

(C) From jungle to zoo and back to jungle

(D) From zoo to jungle and back to zoo

46. In his natural habitat, a tiger is ______.

(A) busy hunting

(B) always lazy

(C)always sleepy

(D) happy & joyful

47. In a cage, a tiger is __________.

(A) always sleeping

(B) raged & troubled

(C) happy & joyful

(D) lazy & timid

48. Animals kept in captivity is a shameful act of cruelty?

(A) Yes

(B) No

(C) May be

(D) Maybe not

49. Why does a tiger hunt?

(A) For pleasure

(B) For food

(C) For satisfaction

(D) For showcasing the power

50. A tiger’s presence in the natural habitat is important because____________.

(A) it adds glory

(B)it helps maintain the vegetation

(C) it gives hunters a wild chase

(D) it maintains the balance of the food chain

51. What does the poet feel in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) The tiger rightly deserves the treatment

(B) The tiger should be moving freely in the jungle

(C) The tiger should be hunting at his own will

(D) Both (B) & (C)

52. What does the tiger do at night in the cage?

(A)He sleeps peacefully

(B) He watches stars & longs for freedom

(C) He waits for the other day

(D) All of the above

53. What is the ‘artificial habitat’ of the tiger in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) cage

(B) Jungle

(C) Circus

(D) Poet’s home

54. What can you make out about the tiger from the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) He is in his natural habitat

(B) He is not in his natural habitat

(C) He is in his artificial habitat

(D) Both (A) & (C)

55. The tiger has dark spots on his skin because________.

(A) He hasn’t taken a bath

(B) He is not in his natural habitat

(C)He is starving

(D) All of the above

56. ‘He should be snarling around houses,

      At the jungle’s edge,

      Baring his white fangs, his claws,

      Terrorising the village!’ – which are the rhyming words of the lines of the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) edge – village

(B) claws – houses

(C) edge – claws – village

(D) All of the above

57. What kind of a cell is the tiger locked in, in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) Small cell

(B)Large cell

(C) Concrete cell

(D) None of the above

58. The tiger hears the sound of the ______ at night.

(A) other animals

(B) Patrolling cars


(D) People talking

59. ‘He stalks in his vivid stripes’ – what does the underlined word in the poem ‘A tiger in the Zoo’ mean?

(A) Walks in an angry or proud way

(B) Chases people

(C) Looks at the visitors

(D) All of the above

60. Why is the tiger in his ‘quiet rage’ in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

(A) He is sleepy

(B) He is hungry

(C) He is lazy

(D) He is unhappy and controlling his anger


1.(B) stripes
2.(D) angry
3.(A) velvet
4.(C) deer
5.(B) near the water hole
6.(A) at the jungle’s edge
7.(D) he is free in the forest
8.(C) ignoring
9.(A) cars
10.(B) brilliant
11.(B) To attack the deer
12.(D) A Tiger in the zoo
13.(A) ignoring visitors
14.(D) bright & shining
15.(B) Cats
16.(D) with pride
17.(D) Water hole
18.(B) Tiger
19.(A) in the natural habitat
20.(C) both (A) and (B)
21.(C ) To search his prey/victim
22. (B) A plump deer
23. (D) By opening out his long sharp teeth & powerful claws
24. (C ) He is put behind bars
25. (B) He hates to entertain them
26. (A) Because they are shining freely in the sky
27. (D) Both (B) & (C)
28. (B) At the jungle’s edge
29. (D) angry
30. (D) Both (B) & (C)
31. (A) He displays his strength & ferociousness
32. (B) When he is provoked
33.(D) freedom
34.(A) by walking about in rage
35.(D) None of the above
36.(D) Both (A), (B) & (C)
37.(A) abcb; abcb; abcb; abcb; abcb
38.(A) Cage & jungle; natural wild habitat
39. (B) By using ‘he’ and not ‘it’
40. (D) pads of velvet
41.(D) Leslie Norris
42. (B) Importance of freedom
43. (D) Both (A) & (B)
44. (B) Tiger
45. (D) From zoo to jungle and back to zoo
46. (D) happy & joyful
47. (B) raged & troubled
48. (A) Yes
49. (B) for food
50.(D) maintains the balance of the food chain
51.(D) Both (B) & (C)
52.(B) He watches stars & longs for freedom
53.(A) cage
54.(D) Both (A) & (C)
55.(B) he is not in his natural habitat
56.(A) edge – village
57.(C) concrete cell
58.(B) patrolling cars
59.(A) Walks in an angry or proud way
60.(D) He is unhappy and controlling his anger


Want to Read More Check Below:-

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A Tiger in the Zoo- About the Author & Introduction

A Tiger in the Zoo- Central Idea of the Poem & Style

A Tiger in the Zoo- Short & Detailed Summary

A Tiger in the Zoo- Value Points

A Tiger in the Zoo- Summary in Hindi – Full Text

A Tiger in the Zoo- Passages for Comprehension

A Tiger in the Zoo- Extract Based comprehension test Questions

A Tiger in the Zoo- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type

A Tiger in the Zoo- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type

A Tiger in the Zoo- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type