What is Corruption Essay | The Truth About Corruption

By | November 23, 2022
What is Corruption Essay edumantra

What is Corruption Essay – is a unique essay that provides a broad and in-depth overview of the corruption effect on the societies in which it exists. If you are interested in learning more about this, then this article might be helpful for you.

What is Corruption Essay

In our country corruption is something we all learn to live with. Corruption is a symptom of a disease that has its progenitors in form of non-transparency in government functioning and lack of accountability. Corruption thrives on opacity. Under its umbrella, billions of rupees get syphoned off before anybody notices anything amiss.
Many NGOs and socialites have been campaigning to bring more transparency and accountability by improvising the legal system and administration. However, the basic fact remains that the common man cannot shirk responsibility. A common man being the building block of a society is equally accountable for boosting this monster.
 Since Independence, many leaders raised their voices to check the menacing corrupt practices. New laws were introduced to counter this devil. No doubt the common man stood behind these mass movements, still, corruption spread its tentacles. We can wear ‘Gandhian Cap”, hoist flags or perform candle march but all these efforts are showy unless our conscience is clear. How many of us do not jump the red-light traffic signal when there is 110 policeman watching us? This small traffic signal test is sufficient to judge our conscience and respect towards our constitution.
Laws and legislation are for those who respect them: otherwise, they fill the showcases of advocates in the form of big volumes. One can be punished for his unlawful actions but can’t be executed in any court for sins committed through hearts and minds. Until and unless we change our attitude, no law or legislation can prevent corruption. Moral judgement and conscience is the mother of a corrupt-free and progressive society.

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Short Paragraph on Corruption- 100 Words

Short Paragraph on Corruption edumantra.net

Corruption is a problem throughout the world, and it has become more prevalent in recent years. It can take many different forms, from petty bribery to large-scale fraud. Corruption can have a negative impact on everyone who lives in a corrupt country or community. 
Corruption can lead to unfairness and instability. It can sap resources away from essential government functions, such as law enforcement or healthcare provision, and it can allow predatory individuals or groups to gain an unfair advantage over others. Corruption also undermines public faith in institutions and leads to social resentment.
There are many ways to combat corruption. Governments can implement anti-corruption laws and regulations, NGOs can campaign against corruption, and businesses can develop anti-corruption policies. Citizen vigilance is also important: by reporting instances of corruption they know about, people can help prevent it from becoming widespread.

A Paragraph on Corruption- 150 Words

Corruption is a serious problem in many countries around the world. It can take many forms, from bribery to theft of public property. In some cases, corrupt officials may use their positions to benefit themselves at the expense of their citizens. 
There are many ways for corrupt officials to get away with their crimes. They can bribe others to help them escape punishment, or they may steal valuable public property to sell on the black market. 
Corrupt officials can also use their positions to gain access to sensitive information or financial assets that they can use to their advantage.
Fortunately, there are also many ways to combat corruption. Educating people about the dangers of corruption is one important step. Governments and businesses must also take steps to prevent corrupt officials from benefiting from their positions. And finally, citizens must be vigilant and report any suspicious activity they see evidence of. 
Fighting corruption is a complex and ongoing battle, but it is essential if we want to protect our societies from abuse and corruption. 

A Paragraph on Corruption – 200 Words

A Paragraph on Corruption edumantra.net

Corruption is a widespread problem in many countries around the world. It can take many different forms, from bribery to stealing public funds. Corruption can have a negative impact on society, and it can lead to corruption of the government itself. There are several ways to fight corruption. One approach is to increase transparency in government operations.
This means making information available to the public so that people can see what’s happening inside government and make informed decisions about their voting choices. Another approach is to create anti-corruption institutions, such as courts and police forces, which are designed to punish corrupt officials. Ultimately, though, it will be up to the individual citizens of each country to fight corruption. If they stand together and speak out against it, they can make a big difference.
The corruption that plagues our society is an epidemic that must be eradicated at all costs. When people can bribe or intimidate their way through the system, they are able to get away with anything. Corruption has a negative impact on both individual citizens and businesses alike, and it needs to be stopped before it destroys everything we’ve built as a society.
There are many ways in which we can fight against corruption, and by educating ourselves and others about the issue, we can make a difference.

Paragraph of Corruption- 250 Words

Corruption is a problem that plagues many societies around the world. It is a phenomenon where individuals or groups abuse their power to unfairly gain advantage over others. Corruption can take many different forms, from bribery to extortion to kickbacks. 

There are many reasons why corruption is harmful- 

First, it often results in unfairness and inequality. Those with access to corrupt officials can get ahead at the expense of those who don’t have that privilege.  This not only harms the innocent people who don’t get favorable treatment, but also undermines trust in society as a whole. 
Second, corruption can lead to instability and violence. As officials become corrupt, they are more likely to engage in criminal activities in order to make money or gain power. This can lead to chaos and instability, which is never good for anyone. 
Despite its many negative effects, some argue that corruption is actually necessary for societies to function effectively. 
For example, some say that corruption allows governments to function efficiently by giving them an incentive to be accountable to the public. Others argue that without corruption, powerful people would be able to monopolize resources and oppress their citizens indefinitely. 
Thus, while there is no easy answer when it comes to combating corruption, it is important that society does everything possible to prevent it from happening in the first place. 

Essay on Corruption in English


Corruption has been a global problem for centuries. It’s not just a developing world issue—whether it’s in countries like Russia or China, or more developed countries like the United States. It affects every facet of our lives, whether we know it or not.
In this essay, we will explore the roots of corruption and its effects on society. We will also talk about some ways we can fight back against it and make sure that it doesn’t have a hold on us.

What is Corruption

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as corruption can vary drastically depending on the country or region in question. However, in general, corruption refers to the act of taking advantage of a position of power or influence to dishonestly obtain a desired outcome.
Corruption can take many forms, from bribery and extortion to theft and money laundering. It can occur at any level of government, and can be endemic or sporadic. Corruption often leads to increased inequality and poverty, reduced access to education and health care, and decreased economic growth.
There are many factors that contribute to corruption, including socioeconomic factors such as wealth and power concentration; institutional factors such as weak rule of law or political instability; and cultural factors such as acceptance of bribery as a norm.
No country or region is immune from corruption, but countries in Southeast Asia (such as Cambodia) seem to be particularly vulnerable. The causes of corruption are complex and multi-layered, but there are numerous ways that individuals and groups can exploit loopholes in the legal system or corrupt public officials for their own benefit.

Types of Corruption- 

There are three main types of corruption: financial, administrative, and political.

Financial corruption takes the form of embezzlement, bribery, fraud, and other forms of theft. 
Administrative corruption takes the form of nepotism, patronage hiring, kickbacks, and other forms of bribery. 
Political corruption takes the form of vote buying and other forms of coercion.

Causes of Corruption

Corruption is a problem that affects many countries around the world. It can take different forms, but it often involves someone taking advantage of their position to gain money or influential positions for themselves. There are many causes of corruption, but some of the most common ones include greed, power, and politics.
One of the main reasons why corruption is a problem is because it can lead to instability and chaos in society. When people are able to cheat and steal from each other without fear of retribution, it can lead to major problems. Corruption also harms the economy by costing businesses money and slowing down growth. Finally, corrupt officials can abuse their positions to engage in criminal activities, such as trafficking drugs or weapons.
There are many ways to fight corruption and stamp out its effects. Governments need to put in place strong anti-corruption laws and enforcement agencies need to be effective at tracking down offenders. Businesses need to be vigilant about protecting their assets and ensuring that they are not being taken advantage of. And individuals must exercise their right to vote by monitoring elections and reporting any irregularities they see. Together these measures will help stop corruption from becoming a major problem in society

Effects of Corruption

Corruption is a huge problem in many parts of the world. It can have a negative effect on society as a whole, and on individuals within it. Corruption can create a situation where people are able to take advantage of one another, and it can damage the trust that is necessary for a healthy society to function.
There are several ways in which corruption can harm society. First, it can lead to unfairness and inequality. This is because people who are able to get their hands on resources that they should not be able to access are often able to gain an advantage over those who cannot. 
Second, corruption may inhibit economic growth. This is because it encourages businesses to bribe officials in order to get things done, and it discourages people from investing in projects that might be risky but could lead to big rewards down the line. Finally, corruption can undermine democracy itself. 
This is because it allows powerful groups or individuals to influence the decisions made by government officials without having to answer to anyone else.
There are also significant effects on individual citizens when corruption is prevalent in their society. For example, those who are corrupt may be able to get away with crimes that would otherwise be punishable by law. 
This means that innocent people may end up getting hurt as a result of corruption, and they may not be able to receive fair treatment when they need help from authorities or other institutions in order to get justice done. Additionally, those who are subject to bribery or other forms of corruption may feel like

Solutions to Fighting Corruption

Fighting corruption is a difficult task, but there are many ways to achieve success. One way is to increase public awareness of what corruption is and how it affects our lives. Another is to provide solutions to the problem. Here are some solutions to fighting corruption:

1. Increase Public Awareness of Corruption – One way to fight corruption is to increase public awareness of what it is and how it affects our lives. This can be done through education, media campaigns, and social media posts.
2. Provide Solutions to the Problem – Another way to fight corruption is to provide solutions to the problem. These solutions may include increasing government efficiency, creating new laws and regulations, and improving public oversight of government activity.

The Corrupting Effect of Corruption

Corruption creates a number of negative consequences. It undermines the public’s trust in government, erodes civil society, and hurts economic growth.
The public’s trust in government is undermined when officials are seen as corrupt. This makes it harder for them to work together to solve problems and make decisions that benefit all citizens. Corruption also makes it harder for the government to collect taxes and enforce its laws.
Civil society is eroded when corruption leads to bribery and other forms of illegal payment. This diminishes people’s willingness to participate in civic life, including voting and participating in democracy. In addition, it encourages criminals to take advantage of weak law enforcement by bribing officials.
Corruption also harms economic growth by reducing the amount that businesses can spend on goods and services or investing in new businesses. This happens because people are less likely to invest in companies or products whose operators they think may be corrupt.

How Corruption Affects Individuals and Societies

There is no question that corruption has a devastating impact on individuals and societies around the world. It can rob people of their basic human rights, disrupt economic development, and hinder social progress.
Corruption destroys trust between people, slows businesses down, and undermines the rule of law. In some cases, it even leads to violence and conflict.
The effects of corruption are most obvious in developing countries where government officials and businesspeople often collude to extract illegal profits from the public purse or from private companies. But corruption also affects developed countries, where businessmen may use their positions to embezzle public funds or get preferential treatment from government officials in exchange for bribes.
Governments have tried various methods to combat corruption over the years, but they have all proved inadequate. The best approach seems to be a combination of enforcement action by law enforcement agencies, financial sanctions against corrupt officials, and legal measures designed to strengthen anti-corruption structures within society as a whole.

The Proven Methods to Eradicate Corruption

There is no doubt that corruption is a serious problem in many parts of the world. In some cases, it has become so ingrained in society that people barely even notice it anymore. But there are also countless cases where corruption has caused tremendous damage and hurt innocent people.
There are a number of proven methods for eradicating corruption. One of the most important things you can do is to educate yourself about the issue. You need to know what Corruption is, why it’s harmful, and what you can do to combat it.
Another key factor in eradicating corruption is creating public awareness. People need to understand that there is a problem and that they can play a role in solving it. They need to be aware of their rights and how to exercise them when they come into contact with corrupt officials.
Finally, you must have strong institutions in place that can fight against corruption. These should include an independent judiciary, transparent government, and effective anti-corruption agencies. Without these measures, corruption will continue to infect society and rob citizens of their hard-earned money and resources.


Corruption is an all-encompassing term that refers to the widespread abuse of power and exploitation of those in positions of authority. It can be found practically everywhere, from developing countries to developed nations, but it persists due to a variety of factors: a lack of accountability, ignorance or complicity on the part of those in power, economic interests that trump human rights, and systems that favor corruption over transparency. 
In spite of its pervasiveness and negative consequences, there are ways to fight corruption. Awareness is key – we need to start talking about it more openly so that we can begin to shift attitudes and make change happen. We must also demand better from our government officials and institutions, holding them accountable when they fail to live up to their moral obligations.
Finally, we need to work together – as individuals and as civil society groups –to build stronger systems that are less susceptible to corruption. Let’s take a step towards fighting corruption by talking about it more openly and demanding better from our government officials.