85. Reading Skills Comprehension: Highly Creative People

By | July 8, 2021

Highly Creative People

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow them:

1. Highly creative people aren’t afraid to ask what may seem to be naive or silly questions. They ask questions like, “why don’t spiders get tangled up in their own webs?” and, “why do dogs turn in circles before lying down?” Such questions may seem childlike, and in a way they are.

Children have not yet had their innate creative energies channelled into culturally acceptable directions and can give full rein to their curiosity — the absolute prerequisite for full creative functioning, in both children and adults.

2. Unlike children, creative people appear to have vast stores of patience to draw upon. Months, years, even decades can be devoted to a single problem.

3. The home that encourages inquisitiveness contributes to creative development. The teacher who stresses questions rather than answers and rewards curiosity rather than restricting is teaching a child to be creative.

4. To be extremely intelligent is not the same as to be gifted in creative work. The Quiz Kids are often referred to as geniuses. They would undoubtedly score high in memory functions … But it is doubtful whether they are also fluent in producing ideas.

5. Contrary to popular myths that glorify youth, more creative achievements are likely to occur when people grow older. While memory may falter with age, creativity is ageless.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer any eight of the following questions:                                                                                                                                                     

1. What are highly creative people not afraid to ask?

2. What do they generally ask? Give an example.

3. What do such questions seem like?

4. What is the absolute prerequisite for full creative functioning?

5. What do creative people have, unlike children?

6. How does home contribute to their creative development?

7. Is being extremely intelligent the same as to be extremely creative?

8. What is contrary to the common belief?

9. Find a word in paragraph 4 which means the same as ‘exceedingly’.

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