78. Reading Skills Comprehension: History of India

By | June 25, 2021
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History of India

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions based on it.

 The Raj puts occupy an honoured place in the history of India. They were a war-like, people, proud and patriotic. They were jealous of their honour and would lay down their lives to uphold it. They loved their homes and fought bravely to defend the honour of their women-folk. Nothing would tame their spirits. Perils only called forth their courage and poverty only increased their power of resistance. None could fight like them. Their motto was ‘Better death than dishonour.’

 1. Which of the following represents the central theme of the passage?

 (a) The pride of the Raj puts

 (b) Raj puts and their sacrifices

 (c) The rise and fall of the Raj puts

 (d) Raj puts – the spirited heroes of Indian history

2. Which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word ‘proud’ in the passage?

(a) humble                               (b) kind

(c) courteous                           (d) cowardly

3. The expression ‘tame their spirits’ in the passage means

(a) suppress their ambitions

 (b) arouse their enthusiasm

(c) develop their courage

(d) curb their enthusiasm

 4. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?

 (a) The Raj puts achieved eminence in history due to their great bravery.

(b) They were homely people and would fight for upholding women’s honour.

(c) In moments of danger they would exhibit great courage.

(d) They could not, however, face the challenge of poverty.

5. According to the writer, the Raj puts occupy an honored place in history, because

(a) they were fond of wars.

(b) they were proud of their war.

 (c) they were jealous of people’s honor.

(d) they lived and died upholding their self respect


 1. (d): The passage talks about the qualities of the Raj puts which gave them an honourable place in history.

2. (a) : The opposite of ‘proud’ is ‘humble’.

3. (d) : ‘tame’ means ‘domesticate’ or ‘curb’ and ‘spirits’ stands for ‘enthusiasm’.

4. (d): The first sentence of the passage verifies (a).

The sentence ‘They loved———   folk’ in the passage proves (b) to be correct.

 The sentence `Perils——–   courage’ in the passage verifies the truth of (c).

The sentence ‘——-  and poverty ———-  resistance’ in the passage indicates Raj puts were not afraid of poverty. Hence, (d) is not true.

 5. (d): The statement (d) is clearly implied from the passage.

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