27.Sample Report Writing-ROBOTICS CLUB

By | December 12, 2019
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The Robotics club continues to fascinating and fabricating the innovative ideas of students. Giving them at befitting plateform to exhibit their skills, aptitude and mechanical thrust. The new session gave wings to there ideas as they brace4d themselves to explore now horizons. In the coming year they are set to particapale in CBSE science Examination with their cretan the Robotic Hand which handicapped people to perform there every day tasks much like a normal person.

Objective :

(i)To unleash the mechanical thrust of students.

(ii) To inculcates the experimental skills.

(iii) To develop the thinking process.

(iv) To develop team sprit.

(v) To make them able to participate in co0mpetitions

Activities :-

(I)To train the student who Love aptitude making new design and complicated programming.

(ii) To organize the classroom session and practical sessions during SUPW.

(iii) Ready to organize exhibition in school.

(iv) Going to participation in annual fruition as students have prepared Robotics Mouses.

Beyond this feat, the students & the club are metered to manifest their skills in undertaking complex high level designing and programming . The club provides  practical expersure to all its members and in all set to organize on exhibition my school display their accomplishments.

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