Omission Exercises for Class 9 & 10 with Answers Ex.51 & 52

By | July 17, 2021
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In the following passages, one word has been omitted in each tine. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided against the correct tine number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined.

Dhyan Chand, however, died penniless uncarede.g.pennilessanduncared
for in a hospital, receiving meagre pension.(a)………………………
He was very sad see India finish seventh at(b)………………………
the Montreal Olympics, 1976. When he was the(c)………………………
deathbed at AIIMS, he reportedly told doctor(d)………………………
that Indian hockey dying. He then went into(e)………………………
coma died in 1979. A year after his death,(f)………………………
the Indian Postal Service issued commemorative(g)………………………
in honour. In Addition, Dhyajn Chan National Stadium in New Delhi is named after him.(h)………………………


Before Word After
(h)inthe honour  

Download the omission exercise with answers in PDF


In the following passages, one word has been omitted in each tine. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided against the correct tine number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined.

Before WordAfter
Tourism in India plays vital rolee.g.playavital
in country’s economy, cultural growth(a)……….……….……….
and unity. India’s great diversity cultural(b)……….……….……….
richness provides ample potential growth(c)……….……….……….
in tourism. The rich heritage art, architecture,(d)……….……….……….
pre-hitoric spots, places of wettest the driest,(e)……….……….……….
hill stations, mountains, forests, etc. all speak the(f)……….……….……….
infinite possibility of India becoming favourite(g)……….……….……….
tourism destination. Rajasthan is not famous for(h)……….……….……….
its forts and places but also for the haunting beauty of its desert.


Before WordAfter

Download the omission exercise with answers in PDF



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