Active and Passive Voice Exercises No.17 (Imperative Miscellaneous)

By | April 7, 2022
50174250 active passive take action or wait taking initiative and participate


 Change the following sentences into passive voice:

1. Do not insult your elders.

2. Give me some water.

3. Write down your address.

4. Leave the room at once.

5. Let me make a coloured ribbon for your hair.

6. Drive the bull out of the garden.

7. Please help me in this matter.

8. Brush your teeth daily.

9. Paint a picture.

10. Let them play the match.


1. You are advised not to insult your elders.

2. Let some water be given to me.

3. Let your address be written down.

4. You are ordered to leave the room at once.

5. Let a coloured ribbon be made for your hair by me.

6. Let the bull be driven out of the garden.

7. You are requested to help me in this matter.

8. Let your teeth he brushed daily.

9. Let a picture be painted.

10. Let the match be played by them.

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