173. TC Full-Form | What is Transfer Certificate (TC)

By | January 15, 2020
TC Full-Form | What is Transfer Certificate (TC)

Everyone should know full forms of words related to everyone. This page provides best full form and tells what is the full form of TC. So your search for   TC full form is over. Page is dedicated to a basic full form. Go through and get meaning of TC

TC Full Form in school, Railway, what does TC stand for?

TC Full form various possible TC related full forms in School, Railway and others, Abbreviation, acronym, full name list and what does TC means, given below. Let’s see and clear doubts.

TC Full-Form | What is Transfer Certificate (TC)

TC stands for Transfer Certificate. Transfer certificate is issued by the school after course completion that is after 10th and 12th. Even if you are leaving your school in any standard, suppose that in 8th standard you need a TC provided by your school. TC will help you to take admission in another school.      

TC– Transfer Certificate

 TC Full Form in railway – Ticket Collector

TC Full Form in chat

TC– Take Care (Chat)

TC– Thread Count (Chat)

TCToo Cute (Chat)

TCTotally Clueless (Chat)

TC related full forms

TC– Transport Canada (Transport)

TC– Traffic Control (Transport)

TCTechnology Consultant (Business)

TC– Total Cost (Business)

TCToo Cheap (Business)

TCTop Cap (Business)

TCTransmission Control (Computer)

TCTerminal Control (Computer)

TC– Thermal Conductivity (Physics)

TCTemperature Controlled (Chemistry)

TCTest Control (Academic)

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