149. VISA Full-Form | What is Charta Visa (VISA)

By | January 15, 2020
VISA Full-Form | What is Charta Visa (VISA)

Everyone should know full forms of words related to everyone. This page provides best full form and tells what is the full form of VISA. So your search for VISA full form is over. Page is dedicated to a basic full form. Go through and get meaning of VISA

VISA— Charta Visa

VISA Full-Form refers to Charta Visa. VISA is an authorization given to the foreigners by a nation to enter the country and remain temporarily, and to leave after the completion of the assigned time period. This document puts limitations on the time duration of the foreign citizen’s VISA Full-Form | What is Charta Visa (VISA)stay, the number of allowed visits, the entry dates, and the host nation’s territories one may visit. A VISA is usually regarded as the request to obtain permission for entering into a nation. Hence, it is different from the formal permission given to an alien for entering and remaining in a country. Each nation has a number of categories under which they issue visas. There are transit visas, visitor visas, long-stay visas, immigrant visas and official visas.

Transit Visa

The transit visa is issued for transiting (passing) the issuing nation to the place that is outside that nation. The validity of this visa is limited to a maximum of ten days. This limitation depends on the nation’s size or the transit’s itinerary circumstances. The transit visa’s category is further divided into airside transit visa and driver, steward or crew member visa. The airside transit visa is issued by certain nations for transiting through the nation’s airport without going via passport control. The second kind of visa is given to people who are trained or employed on buses, trains, aircraft, trucks, vessels or any other mode of global transportation, or ships that are transiting and fishing in global waters.

Visitor Visa

The visitor visa is given to people who visit a nation for a short duration. The visitor visas are further categorized into private visa, visa for medical purposes, working holiday visa, artistic or athletic visa, tourist visa, business visa, and refugee visa. Private visas are given to people who visit the visa-issuing nation by invitation from the people of that nation. Visas for medical purposes are given for undertaking a treatment course or diagnostics in the hospitals of the host nation. The working holiday visa is for those people who travel between countries and offer a holiday program. These programs allow individuals of the younger generation to engage in temporary work during their travel.

Refugee visa is given to those who are taking refuge in the visa-issuing nation due to a natural disaster or war in their home country. Tourist visas are issued for leisure travel. These visas do not allow any business activity. Business visa is given to those who wish to engage in the nations’ commerce. The artistic or athletic visa is given to the artists and athletics that perform at shows, concerts, and competitions.

Long-Stay Visa

The Visas are valid for a long but finite duration. The long-stay visa can be further divided into a student visa, residence visa, temporary work visa and asylum visa. The student visa issued to an individual allows the visa holder to take admission and study in a university or institute of advanced learning in the visa-issuing nation. This visa is called F-1 in the United States. The students that hold the F-2 Visa can bring the ones depending on him in the United States. Residence Visa, on the other hand, is issued to individuals who desire to obtain the residence for a long-term in the host nation. In certain nations like New Zealand, the long-term residence is an essential step for obtaining permanent resident status.

A temporary work visa is issued to approve the employment of an individual in the host nation. Although these are usually tough to obtain, their validity extends for a longer time duration as compared to the business visa. Some of the examples of this visa are the L-1 and H-1B visas. The evolution of the temporary worker’s status into the naturalization or permanent resident status depends on the host nation.

Asylum visa is given to those who fear prosecution or have suffered the same in their home country. The reasons for the prosecution may involve political opinions or groups, the association with a group or expulsion from their home nation. The other kinds of visas are the immigrant visa (issued for immigrating to the host nation), and official visas (issued to individuals who represent their nation).

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