52.Short Essay and Article on GOOD MANNERS

By | July 15, 2021
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 You are asked to write an article on how ‘good manners’ are vanishing from public life. Write an article on “Value of Good Manners in Life.”


Ans. Manners are an important part of human nature and life. Good manners earn your respect and dignity. Good manners also lead to good habits which lead to individual growth. Individual growth leads to the overall development of society.  A man of good manners is accepted as an important citizen in society. He never hurts the feelings When a for his turn to s young man offers his seat to his old fellow passenger or a man waiting calmly of others. .peak in a group discussion, he teaches others around him the invaluable lesson of good conduct. A smile or a handshake, a “namaskar” or a ‘thank you” cost us nothing. Yet we are not courteous enough to apply them. This is the sure sign of ill manners. In fact, the home where a man learns the rudiments of education plays an important role in the cultivation of good manners.

It is a pity to point out that good manners are gradually passing away from an educated young class. They behave rough, rude and imprudent in buses, trains and public places. They are undisciplined and irregular in schools, colleges and playgrounds, etc. They learn the importance of good manners in life and should avoid these rude behaviours in all respects.

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