29. Reading Skills Comprehension: TRAVELLING

By | July 3, 2021
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Read the Passage Carefully and answers the following questions:-

One day an old lady was travelling alone in the first class compartment of a train. She was very well-dressed. She was sitting quietly in a corner and was reading a book. A travelling ticket examiner came into the compartment and asked for her ticket. The old lady looked in her bag for the ticket but couldn’t find it. She then looked for it among her other things. She could not find the ticket there also. So she got very worried. She said to the ticket examiner, “Will you please pull the chain and stop the train? I’ve lost my ticket.” The ticket examiner said, “Please don’t worry. I know you are an honest woman.” “You don’t understand,” said the old lady, “if I don’t find my ticket, how shell I know where I have to get off?”                                               

 Answer the following questions briefly:

1. Where was the old lady sitting in the compartment?

2. What was the old lady doing when the ticket examiner came?

3. Why did the old lady search for her bag?

4.”She looked for it among her other things” What does ‘it’ here refer to?

5. What did the lady want the ticket examiner to do?

6.Which word in the passage means ‘without delay’?

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