45. Reading Skills Comprehension: Houses

By | July 3, 2021
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If a man’s house is full of bottles of medicines, we think that the man is probably sick; but if his house is full of books, we conclude that he is intelligent. We consider the bottles of medicines as the sign of a sick body, but we do not consider the books as the sign of a sick mind. Surely that is not right. The wise men of the past took no pains to make life literate: but they did much to make it meaningful. Books, after all, contain only letters. It is useless to hope to make life meaningful merely by collecting books. Can we know swimming merely by reading a book on swimming? The real meaning is found in life. Until we understand this we shall never taste true knowledge.

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What opinion do we form when we see bottles of medicines in a house?

2. What, on the other hand, do we conclude when we see a house full of books?

3. What attitude towards life did the wise men of the past have?

4. How can we taste true knowledge?

5. What can we not learn just by reading a book?

6. What is the opposite of ‘knowledge’?


1. We think the man may be sick

2. We think the owner is intelligent.

3. They wanted to make life meaningful.

4.By finding the true meaning of life.



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