43. Reading Skills Comprehension: Debt

By | July 3, 2021
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Gandhiji’s elder brother always wore a golden bangle on his arm. Once he got into debt. He didn’t know what to do about it. At last, he thought to clip a bit out of his bangle and sell it. Gandhiji was in the know of this secret. He helped his brother in this plan. The debt was paid. But soon, Gandhiji’s heart almost broke with remorse. He felt sure that what he had done was wrong. He made up his mind to confess it to his father. He felt terribly afraid. But he wanted to get the weight off his conscience. So he wrote what he had to say on a sheet of paper. He told his father everything. He promised that he would never steal again and asked for his father’s forgiveness.

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What did Gandhiji’s brother always wear?

2. In which act did Gandhiji help his elder brother?

3. Why did he feel repentant?

4. What did Gandhiji promise?

5. Find from the passage a word which means ‘admit’ or ‘own’.

6. What is meant by ‘remorse’?


1.A golden bangle.

2.In paying a debt

3. He felt he had done a wrong thing.

4. He promised that he would never steal again.

5 Confess.

6.Deep regret.

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