60. Reading Skills Comprehension: ESKIMOS

By | July 6, 2021


Eskimos live in the Polar areas. It is difficult to make an accurate estimate but there are probably about 50,000 Eskimos. Eskimos are not usually tall but they have powerful legs and shoulders. They have yellowish skin and straight, black hair. Eskimos have a common language and can understand member` of another group, although they may come from many thousands of miles away. The most important unit of Eskimo’s society is the family. Marriage is by mutual consent; the Eskimos do not have a special marriage ceremony.

 In the Eskimo community, the most important people are older men. They control the affairs of the group. The economic system of the Eskimo communities works like a commune; they share everything. Eskimos live by hunting, fishing and trapping. When they go hunting seals, they sail kayaks (light boats made from skins) and when they hunt animals, they travel across the ice in sledges pulled by teams of dogs. The Eskimo snow house (called an igloo) is very well known but, in fact

Eskimos usually live in houses made of wood and turf. When they are not hunting and working, Eskimos like to carve: they use ivory and wood and they often make very beautiful objects.

1. Write in the blanks one word from the passage which means the same as :

(a) exact (para 1)————–

 (b) permission (para 1)————

2. Based on your understanding of the passage, complete the following paragraph meaningfully:

Eskimos are found in (a) ———————. Their (b) ————————-, who controls the group, are the most important people. The Eskimos, besides living in, live in (c)———————-.  Though their means of living are mostly (d) ——————- and——————, they are excellent in (e) ———————-and make beautiful objects out of(f)————————– and————————–


1. (a) accurate

(b) consent

2.(a) polar areas

(b) older men

(c) houses made of wood and turf

(d) by hunting, fishing and trapping

(e) carving

 (f) Ivory and wood.

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