65. Reading Skills Comprehension: BHALLU

By | July 6, 2021
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Once upon a time, a man called Bhallu Shah lived in Gujarat. He was a great miser. He hated to spend anything on anybody, even on himself. One day he saw some ripe dates on a tall tree. He liked dates very much and wanted to have some. But how could he get them? He did not like to ask anyone to climb up and get them for him for he feared he might have to pay him something. So Bhallu Shah decided to climb the tree himself. He had never climbed up a date palm before, but he managed to reach the top. He was about to pick some dates when he happened to look down. The height from the ground frightened him so much that he began to tremble.                                           

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What did Bhallu Shah not like?

2. What can you say about Bhallu’s nature?

3. Where did he find some ripe dates?

4. What did he do to get the dates?

5. How did Bhallu Shah feel on reaching the top of the palm?

6.Which word in the passage means ‘a person who loves to have more and more but doesn’t want to spend’?

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