Gap Filling Exercises for class 8 (Solved)Exercise-49&50

By | July 13, 2021
gap filling


Complete the passage given below by choosing the appropriate options:

When Gagrin (a) _________ (have/had/has/had) been in space for rather an hour, he had nearly (b) _________  (complete/completed/had completed/would complete) a journey right round the earth. It (c) _________ (were/was/is/had been) time to prepare for the landing. This (d)  _________ (were/had been/is/ was) perhaps the most dangerous part of the trip. If he (e) _________  (came/comes/would come/had come) into the air too quickly, his ship (f) _________ (will/would/could/might) rub against the air particles and the friction (g) _________ (could/will/would/should) make the ship very hot. It could burn up. The speed of the Vostok (h) _________ (had/have/was/were) to be checked.


(a) had
(b) completed
(c) was
(d) was
(e) came
(f) would
(g) would
(h) had.

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Choose the best word from the options given in the brackets to complete the following passage

School bullies can often make other children’s lives a misery and their bullying takes on different forms. Often they (a) _________ (could/will/should/must) use their physical size to intimidate, threaten their victims with a beating or use physical force to extort money. Bullies (b) _________ (use/used/will use/have used) verbal expletives as well as physical use on their victims. Some psychologists (c) _________ (was/were/are/had been) of the opinion that the desire of the class bully to dominate the others (d)  _________ (is/are/was/were) a result of an inferiority complex or some personal unhappiness. But this (e) (will/shall/do/does) not help those who are at the receiving end of the abuse. The victims are (f) _________    (scare/scared/were scared/shall scare) to complain to the authorities for the fear of more physical assault and tants. Furthermore those who (g) _________   (brow beated /brow beat/ have browbeaten/will browbeat) others, although domineering, can often appear to be charming to those who are in authority. Many bullies (h) _________  (escaped/escape/have escaped/had escaped) unpunished. We must protect our children from this persecution.


(a) will
(b) use
(c) are
(d) is
(e) does
(f) scared
(g) browbeat
(h) escape.

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