140. Short Essay and Article on: The Mosquito Menace

By | July 15, 2021
mosquito edumantra.net

With the onset of the monsoons, the mosquitoes have also arrived. As Radha Saxena write an article for the school magazine about the mosquito menace and the popular ways in which people protect themselves against it. Your article should not exceed 200 words.

Ans:-                                        THE MOSQUITO MENACE

 Come monsoons, come mosquitoes! If monsoons bring us pleasant relief from the scorching heat of the summer, they also bring up mosquitoes that not only suck our blood but also give us a painful itching. These little impish creatures keep themselves hidden during the day and start invading in swarms as soon as the night falls. They make it literally impossible to sleep in the open. And those who do have to keep their bodies covered from head to foot. The richer ones put mosquito nets around their beds, but if somehow even one mosquito gets into the net it is enough to give one sleepless night. Mosquitoes force people to shut themselves up in their bedrooms even on hot summer nights. But the clever mosquito creeps in there also. People have to adopt different measures to save themselves from this terrible enemy. They switch on their electric fans at full speed so that the mosquito is not able to stand the strong current of air. People also use various kinds of mosquito repellents which can be in the form of some cream, spray or smoky substance. Nowadays we have some electrical devices also to ward off the mosquitoes. But with every new repellent that man discovers, the mosquito to seem to grow stronger, bolder and cleverer.

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