Rearranging Jumbled Words Exercises -93 and 94

By | July 17, 2021
71QssN7ndAL. SY300

Exercise – 93

Rearrange the given words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

 (a) arid/lands/to life/this useful/in harsh/animal/is/well adapted

(b) one bump/camel/the Arabian/the Bactrian camel/has two

 (c) of fat/are scarce/a store of/used when/the bump/is/food and water

 (d) 100 litres/a camel/in 10 minutes/can drink/of water


(a) This useful animal is well adapted to life in harsh, arid lands.

(b) The Arabian camel has one bump, the Bactrian camel two.

(c) The bump is a store of fat used when food and water are scarce.

 (d) A camel can drink 100  litres of water in 10 minutes.

Download the above Rearranging Exercises in PDF (Printable)

Exercise – 94

Rearrange the given words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

(a) old bridge/just then/passed over/an/the train

(b) communication/line/the rumbling/our/initiated/of

 (c) a strange/I/them/in/found/talking in/language

(d) a single word/could not/I listened/but/even/carefully/understand


(a) Just then the train passed over an old bridge.

 (b) The rumbling initiated our line of communication.

 (c) I found them talking in a strange language.

(d) I listened carefully but could not understand even a single word.

Download the above Rearranging Exercises in PDF (Printable)



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