27.Short Story: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

By | March 19, 2022
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 God helps those who help themselves.        

Ans.                                                    God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Meena was a student at ABC School. Her elder sister also studied in the same school. Both were smart and intelligent, and always topped in their class. However, one year, both of their grades started falling. The teachers couldn’t understand what was happening. They called both of them to the staffroom and asked them the reason behind their slipping grades. The two started sobbing, and tearfully said, “Our father is ill and in the hospital. It’s been so for the past two months. Our uncle is taking care of financial matters, but we are under great emotional strain. The mother alone is not able to travel to and fro and handle matters. Either of us this has to be at the hospital. We are losing out on our studies in the process.
The teachers were shocked, “Why didn’t you tell us?” they asked, “We would have done something.” “No ma’am,” they replied, “We ourselves are ashamed of our results. Even our father wouldn’t want us to spoil our future. We have started taking our books to the hospital itself. We study from there. We hope for the best.”
When the results were declared, Meena stood third, while her sister came second. Their teachers commended their efforts. “We didn’t expect such a good result!” they exclaimed. T teacher said, “Well, you know, God helps those who help themselves.”

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