36. Reading Skills Comprehension: The Arjun

By | July 3, 2021
Arjun Rathi Shikhara edumantra.net

The Arjun

One of the most handsome trees of the Indian plains is the Arjun. It is tall, soaring towards the sky, with a supporting trunk and horizontal branches. The foliage is neither too dark a green nor very dense. This tree has an airy feel. Some trees are dark and forbidding, you wouldn’t want to go and under them, especially in the evening, when the light is low. Some have foliage that is insubstantial but some are just right, not too dense and not too light. The Arjun tree was created at a moment when natures mood was benign. It has a long, straight trunk and a rounded crown, with somewhat drooping branches. The big oval leaves are leathery and grow opposite each other. In the monsoons, the foliage is a fresh green and, is winter approaches, the colour becomes a couple of shades deeper.


(a) Where is the Arjun tree found in India?

(b) How does the tree look like?

 (c) Why would the people not prefer to sit under the Arjun tree especially in the evening?

(d) What kind of leaves does it have?

 (e) Find words in the passage which mean the same as:

(i) “All the leaves of a tree or plant”   (ii)  “rising up.”

 (f) Why does this tree have an airy feel?


(a) In India, the Adult tree is found in the plain regions.

(b) It is a tall tree with a supporting trunk and horizontal branches.

(c) In the evening the light is bay and the somewhat drooping branches of the Arjun tree make it so dense that people would not prefer to sit under its leaves. ‘

(d) It has big oval leaves which are leathery and grow opposite each other.

(e) (i) Foliage      (ii) Soaring,’

(f) This tree has an airy feel because its foliage is neither too dark a green nor very dense.

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